
When Melanie isn’t writing for Nerds and Beyond, she’s doing her best to make professional fangirl a thing. She loves writing fan fiction, drawing fan art, reading comics and binge-watching like it’s a professional sport. Her list of fandoms just keep growing, and will always cite Supernatural and Psych as her first forays into fangirldom. Though Nancy Drew will always be her first real fandom. Melanie works hard at making her art a career and has dreams of becoming a published author someday. You can find her on Twitter @FangirlLanie.

June Staff Picks: Our Fave Summertime Shows & Movies

Now that Game of Thrones is over and Supernatural and Blacklist are on hiatus, are you...lost? Or are you, perhaps, trying to put off...

Pride Month Spotlight: Alex Danvers

Welcome to the 15th installment of our 2019 Pride Month Series! Each day in the month of June, we will be highlighting a different...

Sci-Fi Valley Con: A Recap of Day Three

The third and final day of Sci-Fi Valley Con was a bittersweet one. It was a perfect ending to an incredibly fun-filled convention. It...

Sci-Fi Valley Con: A Recap of Day Two – Here Comes ‘Supernatural’

Saturday was one of the busiest days of Sci-Fi Valley Con, with one of the biggest draws being the Supernatural panel that evening. But,...

Our Favorite Moments From ‘Supernatural’ Season 14: Lucifer / Nick

As the struggle continues through the summer Supernatural "hellatus," we are taking a look at our favorite moments from season 14, this time with...

Sci-Fi Valley Con: A Recap of Day One

Friday June 7 was an absolute wonderful start to what would end up being incredible three-day convention. Sci-Fi Valley Con in Altoona, PA, was...