Pokémon Animated Series Set in Hisui Region Announced
In celebration of Pokémon Day, today’s Pokémon Presents was full of exciting news. While almost all of the announcements were for the games, including the reveal of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and an update for Pokémon Legends: Arceus, The Pokémon Company also shared some news about what’s next for the franchise in terms of television shows: an online animated series set in the Hisui region.
The newest Pokémon game released in January, Pokémon Legends: Arceus, is set in a historical period in the Hisui region, which would later go on to be known as Sinnoh in Diamond and Pearl. As a player, it’s your job to assist Professor Laventon and the Galaxy Expedition Team as they embark on an ecological study of the area. Arceus presents players with a story that’s a stark contrast to the modern world of Pokémon full of trainers, gyms, leagues, and bustling cities. In the ancient times of the Hisui region, people have yet to begin living in harmony alongside Pokémon, and many are fearful and suspicious of them.
Arceus is packed full of rich and interesting lore, especially from the two feuding clans that reside outside of the Jubilife Village settlement — Diamond and Pearl, so it will be exciting to see the world of the game further come to life in the upcoming online animated series.
The untitled series, which will feature an original story, is set to premiere later this year.
Watch the full Pokémon Presents below.