‘Resident Alien’ Recap: Season 2, Episode 4 “Radio Harry” and Episode 5 “Family Day”

James Dittiger/SYFY

Previously on Resident Alien … during “Radio Harry,” Liv questioned, not remembering dropping off her dress, the one she wore when Harry did the mind wipe, to the dry cleaners. She is determined to find out why she is missing so much time. Also, shout out to Liv for going to the uncomfortable dinner with D’Arcy and her parentals and checking on Sheriff Mike after he leaves upset after his date.

James Dittiger/SYFY

Meanwhile, Asta, her father, takes Harry camping to set his device up and contact his people, so they don’t come and destroy all humans. Of course, nothing goes as planned, and they are joined by unexpected guests Kayla and Drew. Seriously, watching Harry fighting off all the mosquitos is very relatable and hilarious. The next day, Harry and Asta go to the location he needs to be at to send the signal. Harry says that his people will not come to destroy the earth for fifty years. Going from happiness to worry to anger, Asta knocks it down, so it stops. But later in the night, when he is back at home at the cabin receives a signal back! The phone number is to someplace in New York City.

James Dittiger/SYFY

This week, there was a lot to sort through. But the pieces are starting to come together in a lot of storylines.

Fans learned the tragic story that brought Mike to Patience all those years ago. After getting upset, Asta went to Jimmy’s for comfort, seeing Jay and D’Arcy get along so well, feeling left out. Asta even gets closure when she sees Abigail at the town family day and tells her that she knows she did not kill Sam. Liv, who has always believed in aliens, thinks that happened to her memory. Oh, also, the sheriff realizes that he is missing some time as well. The mayor thought it was a good idea to put on a play about the 59 miners who passed away. It went as “well” as can be expected.

James Dittiger/SYFY

Just as Harry tells Asta that he cannot bring himself to call the number out of fear, he is more human than alien now, thanks to the octopus, his phone rings. No, it was not New York calling. It was the sheriff. They have arrested Harry’s daughter. Yes, you read that right. The sheriff and deputy arrested Harry’s teenage daughter from his first wife, the one before Isabelle (whom we met last season). This gets better and better. The daughter’s name is Liza, and she is estranged from her father if only she knew the truth. During the “father” daughter re-bonding times, Harry steals a dog, paints his nails, tries to have tea time, thinks about killing her, attempts a sex talk, but it is not until he lets her drive the truck that she starts to have fun. How much did you love the balloon fight! Even though Liza was not his real daughter, he got to be reminded about the importance of family and realized that he missed his own alien family. After Harry and Asta say goodbye to Liza, they get ready to head to New York!

James Dittiger/SYFY

You can watch Resident Alien every Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET on SYFY. Check out our other Resident Alien coverage here.

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