‘9-1-1: Lone Star’: Matt Cohen Interviews Cast for Entertainment Tonight

Season 3 of 9-1-1: Lone Star is already off to a chilly start. Matt Cohen was on the set of the FOX first responder series to interview the cast for Entertainment Tonight.
Cohen gets the latest Lone Star scoop about the show’s big ice storm opener, which will last four episodes according to Julian Works. And Rob Lowe was even sporting a cast that was not seen in the first few minutes of the premiere. Along with Lowe and Works, Cohen also talked to Jim Parrack, Natacha Karam, Brian Michael Smith and Brianna Baker all about season 3.
New episodes of 9-1-1: Lone Star air Mondays at 8 p.m. EST on FOX. Check out the video above and stay up-to-date on any and all Lone Star news here.