‘Dynasty’ Recap: Season 4, Episode 21 “Affairs of State and Affairs of the Heart”

Wilford Harewood/The CW

Fallon and Liam attend a weekend getaway full of truth and Dominique is hard at work to finalize her divorce. Plus, what happens when Kirby spills the Carrington secrets to Culhane? Read on to find out what happens in Dynasty‘s penultimate episode of season 4, “Affairs of State and Affairs of the Heart.”

Falliam reunites

Fallon claims to have called every hotel in the city looking for Liam before she finally stumbled upon him. She has booked a romantic getaway weekend for the two of them to spend time together. He’s willing to give her the weekend, noting he still needs time. Their getaway is going great, until they have to go inside the “truth tent.” Fallon tries to redirect Liam somewhere else but Liam believes that this is the way for her to prove that she’s in it for the long run with him.

Liam is upset that their marriage takes a backseat to everything in Fallon’s life, but he’s also mad at himself for not being the husband she deserves. Alls well that ends well? Right? Well… maybe not. Eva asks Liam to drop her necklace at the office for her when Fallon is meeting with Colin. He overhears their conversation and that Fallon has slept with Colin.

At home, Fallon is ready to tell Liam the truth, not knowing he is already well aware. They exchange words, crying, Liam tells her he can’t forgive her for this and they’re over. Eva, on the other hand, is flipping through a scrapbook she made of her and Liam, married. She puts on a veil and smiles at herself in the mirror.

Billionaire of the people

Blake is full steam ahead with his campaign to run for governor. While at an event, he gets stopped by the lieutenant governor who asks him to drop out of the race. Senator North told him all about Blake running to get ahold of government land. He promises that if Blake backs out he will get the land.

Culhane is upset that Blake is dropping out, effectively rendering his promises useless. Cristal attempts to reason; if Blake wins, they can have the land and keep their promises. Blake plays devil’s advocate by saying if he loses they get nothing.

Instead of backing down, Blake announces his support for an energy tax bill that funds education in Georgia. He has big plans for renewable energy and to preserve the future of the children. The lieutenant governor is obviously annoyed with Blake that he didn’t announce his depature from the race.

Kirby’s insurance

Culhane is furious with Blake and wonders why Kirby is still living at the manor. When she inquires about why he’s upset and he tells her, she tells him about the insurance Anders left her. Culhane is visibly shocked by some of the Carrington secrets, there’s enough in the book to take down Blake for good.

After flipping through the book, Culhane realizes it makes him feel dirty knowing what he knows. He suggests they burn the book. Kirby does but he doesn’t know she has a spare copy in her desk.

Dom’s divorce

Jeff is worried that Dom’s not-so-ex-husband is coming around now because of her newfound wealth. He insists that she find a way to finalize the divorce as soon as possible, before he gets his hands on half of her hard earned riches. He gives her his divorce attorney’s card and she gives him a call. However, there isn’t much he can do, legally. He calls her back to tell her that if she were to find a clerk willing to admit they made a clerical error, a judge could sign a nunc pro tunc and backdate the divorce.

Dominique hands over half of her assets to Brady because he’s legally entitled to them. When they get an official divorce, that money will be his. He rips it up. He doesn’t want her money, he wants a chance with the woman he fell in love with over 10 years ago. Dominique stops by Alexis’ penthouse to tell her the news. Once she leaves, Brady comes out and says he can’t believe he ripped up a seven figure check. Alexis promises that they will destroy Dominique.

The Dynasty season finale airs next Friday, October 1, on The CW. Episodes stream the next day on The CW app as well as cwtv.com. Season 4 will be available on Netflix starting October 22.

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