Watch Out for That Tree! ‘George of the Jungle’s Brendan Fraser Is Coming to FanExpo Dallas


It’s time to get excited, because conventions are back and FanExpo Dallas has just added Brendan Fraser to their lineup of celebrity guests.

Best known for his roles in films like George of the Jungle, The Mummy, and Encino Man, Brendan Fraser has long been a fan favorite for his comedy and fantasy characters. The Canadian-American actor has moved from the big to the small screen in recent years with roles on shows including Texas Rising, The Affair, and Doom Patrol. He is set to appear in the upcoming third season of Doom Patrol in his role as Cliff Steele and the voice of Robotman when it premieres on HBO Max later this year, so if you are looking for some more Brendan Fraser on your screen this may be your chance.

For FanExpo Dallas, Fraser is set to appear on Saturday. You will be able to get photo ops with him for $90 and autographs for $80. The convention has not yet announced any panels that will feature Fraser, but there is no doubt that fans will have plenty of opportunities to see the star in action.

The convention faced delays and ultimately cancellation in 2020 and is now set to take place September 17 through 19. Fraser joins celebrities including Christopher Sabat, Dave Bautista, William Shatner, George Takei, and the four hobbits (Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Dominic Monaghan, and Billy Boyd) as guests for the event. However, if these names don’t quite hit the spot for you, don’t worry, as we can still expect more guest announcements over the coming months.

Be sure to check back here for updates as we get closer to the dates, and make sure to visit the FanExpo Dallas website to buy your tickets.

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