New Images Released for ‘Prodigal Son’ Penultimate Season 2 Episode “Sun and Fun”

Phil Caruso/FOX

Season 2 of Prodigal Son has been a rollercoaster ride of action and emotions for fans and our favorite characters. Time is of the essence as Malcolm, the NYPD team, and the US Marshals race to catch the escaped Martin Whitly. FOX has released brand new images of episode 12, the penultimate episode of the season.

Naturally, the images don’t give much away about what is to come but we do see Malcolm in what seems to be a storage facility with very dramatic (and potentially dangerous) red lighting. Malcolm also has a conversation with Dr. Vivian Capshaw outside of Claremont. What could she know about Martin? The most concerning image is one where Malcolm and Ainsley appear to be looking at something covered by a white sheet. Malcolm seems affected by whatever it is. Could it be a body? Check out all the images below!

“Sun and Fun” airs Tuesday, May 11 on FOX at 9 p.m. EST/8 p.m. CT.

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