Hoxley and Gil Face off While Martin Offers Capshaw Help in New ‘Prodigal Son’ Season 2 Spring Premiere Clips

Prodigal Son returns to our screens in just over 24 hours, and FOX has released new clips from the upcoming Spring premiere episode, “Ouroboros.” Season 2’s eighth episode looks like we’ll possibly be revisiting Martin’s escape plan from Claremont. In clip one, Martin is escorted to the infirmary for his duties, but much to his and Mr. David’s surprise, Dr. Capshaw rushes in a stabbed patient. Though Martin offers to lend his skills to Capshaw, she’s unwilling to let him intervene. Check out the clip below.
Meanwhile, Hoxley is dutifully working to track down Endicott’s killer and sets his sights on Gil and the Whitly family. As Hoxley talks to Gil about his alibi, we have to agree that Gil’s is air tight. Check out the clip below!
“Ouroboros” airs Tuesday, April 13 at 9 p.m. ET/8 p.m. CT on FOX.