‘Supernatural’ Poster Promoting The Final Seven Episodes Released

Image courtesy The CW.

It’s the famous final scene … for real this time.

It’s no secret that Supernatural‘s fifteenth and final season was rudely interrupted by the coronavirus pandemic. Now that Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are back in Vancouver to finish filming the 2 final episodes, more news is being released about the show’s end every day. Today, a poster featuring the Winchester brothers (not an angel in sight … ominous) was released advertising the final seven episodes of the season.

Though the end of Supernatural will undoubtedly be bittersweet, we can’t wait to see the conclusion of the show that captured our hearts for so many years. The final episodes of Supernatural will air starting October 8, with the finale airing in November. In the meantime, the currently aired episodes are available for streaming on Netflix. What do you hope to see in the finale? Let us know in the comments!

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