Interview: Sam Maggs Talks Writing Nadia Van Dyne and World Building in ‘The Unstoppable Wasp: Built on Hope’ [EXCLUSIVE]


Sam Maggs is no stranger to Marvel, and with her impressive list of bestselling books, comics, and video games, it’s no wonder that Marvel Press was immediately sold when she wanted to tell Nadia Van Dyne’s story in TheĀ Unstoppable Wasp: Built on Hope. The book is action-packed and is already becoming a Marvel fan favorite. We sat down with Sam to talk about diving into Nadia’s world and the amazing story that is Built on Hope.

Tell us a little about the origins ofĀ Built on Hope. How did the idea of a novel come about?

I had a meeting with the fine folks at Marvel Press, and they asked me who I would want to write a novel about if I had the choice. Nadiaā€™s name was the first one out of my mouth ā€“ and it was the Super Hero theyā€™d had in mind for me, too! With my science background, my passion for LGBTQ+ characters, and my experience writing about female friendship, it was a perfect fit.

Nadia Van Dyne is already a well-known fan-favorite character from the comics. Did you find it challenging to expand on her story, and how did you decide what elements from the comics to explore?

It was exciting! I love working with established characters and worlds because it takes the pressure of character creation and world-building off, and really just allows you to focus on storytelling, lesson-learning, and relationship development. Fortunately, there isnā€™t a ton of history with Nadia ā€“ she doesnā€™t have seventy years of complex backstory to contend with, or anything ā€“ so I was basically able to pick up right where the comics left off and continue her story directly.

Did you do much research before you dove into writing Nadia and her team? What were your favorite sources to reference?Ā 

For sure! I pored over The Unstoppable Wasp comics, as well as a bunch of Janet van Dyneā€™s early appearances as the Wasp, and the recent Mockingbird series. I also re-read Margaret Stohlā€™s Black Widow novels to make sure I was nailing a similar tone (I love those books.) And then I read up on a ton of A.I. tech and where thatā€™s headed!

Nadia’s story really highlights the fast-paced nature of today’s world. Was that an intentional challenge you had in mind for her before you started writing, or did that come later?Ā 

When I first started to outline the book, that theme was in my mind immediately. Probably because itā€™s a challenge I myself face, and I think a lot of teens face, too ā€“ we want to do everything, master everything, and itā€™s just impossible. But it seems like we never talk about that ā€“ so I wanted to bring it to the forefront of Nadiaā€™s next story.

I really admire Nadia’s positive, determined attitude no matter what situation she is facing, and she’s a great role model for young adult readers. How was it writing for such a vibrant and clever character?Ā 

Itā€™s honestly aspirational. Iā€™m so much more cynical than Nadia, and writing for such a positive, optimistic character ā€“ someone whoā€™s been through so much that she really should be a big grump, but isnā€™t! ā€“ really makes me want to be more like her. I think we all could be a little more like Nadia!

Built on HopeĀ is sprinkled with fun science facts through the whole book (which we loved!) and profiles based on Marvel history; did you research all of them yourself, and did you have a process to condense some of the heavier topics?

Thank you! I did all the research myself, yes; Iā€™d previously written two non-fiction books about women in science, and one encyclopedia of Marvelā€™s women Super Heroes, so I had a lot of experience with the heavy-duty research this book necessitated. Also, those books really honed my skills as a science communicator ā€“ making dense science both brief and understandable is definitely a learned skill. Also, I really enjoy it! I was also fortunate to have several wonderful scientists and doctors as consultants on the book to double-check me – Dr. Matt Conner, Chris Ceary, and Sarah Sloat.

How was it writing Nadia and Taina’s friendship? The two seem like opposites, but their friendship is so strong despite their differences.Ā 

Absolutely. It was so much fun. Nadia and Taina might have different approaches to life, but at their core, they both want to believe the very best in everyone, even if Taina wouldnā€™t necessarily admit that.

Was focusing on their friendship closer than some of the othersĀ a choice you made early in the writing process?Ā 

The G.I.R.L. squad is big, so I knew I wanted to highlight one in particular. Landing on Taina felt like the best call because a) sheā€™s my favorite (donā€™t tell the others!), and b) sheā€™s (as you said), on the surface, Nadiaā€™s polar opposite ā€“ a realist to Nadiaā€™s optimist. Thereā€™s a lot to play within that!

YA novels oftenĀ lack parental figures in them, but Nadia has both Bobbi and Janet as two amazing role models. What was it like to really bring those two positive figures into Nadia’s story?

The relationship I have with my mom is probably the most important relationship in my life, and I love that Nadia has so many strong, older women mentors to look up to. Like you said, we rarely get to see that modeled in media, but I think itā€™s really important to touch on ā€“ womenā€™s relationships are key to our development.

Without getting too spoiler-y, do you have a favorite scene or moment?

I love the opening scene. I wrote the book largely in order, so it was the first thing I wrote, and it still feels the most Nadia to me. I feel like I knew her voice right from the start, thanks to Jeremy Whitleyā€™s amazing Unstoppable Wasp comics.Ā 

Other than Nadia, do you have a favorite character fromĀ Built on Hope?

Sheā€™s there, in a secret cameo! Youā€™ll have to read to find out who I mean, heh.

You’ve written for several other Marvel characters in different mediums, how did writing a novel compare with your video game or comic experiences?

Writing a novel is a far more solitary experience than writing for comics or video games. One of my favorite things about those mediums is the collaboration ā€“ you have all those other talented people making a thing great. With a novel, you have your editor and your IP holder, but largely the pressure falls on your shoulders. That can be scary but also very rewarding.

Image Courtesy Marvel Press.

Do you see another novel in your future?

Definitely, I have a few in mind right now! But first, I have a manga, two non-fiction books, an original graphic novel, and a bunch of comics being published in the next six months!

Ā Finally, what do you hope fans who readĀ Built on HopeĀ will take away from Nadia’s story?

You donā€™t have to be good at everything. Itā€™s okay to take some time off. Be good to yourself!


Thank you to Sam Maggs for talking with us aboutĀ Built on Hope! You can findĀ Built on HopeĀ available online and in-stores now as well as on audiobook. Give it a read and let us know your favorite part!

Brianna works full time in the publishing industry, passionately building books to bring to the masses. Her first fandom was Harry Potter, which she joined at age 11. Her love for books took her abroad to earn her Masters Degree at University College London, after which she lived in New York City, and now resides in Austin. She loves all things fandom including Supernatural, Doctor Who, and more. Ever the introvert, she can usually be found reading, playing with her dog, listening to music and practicing yoga. Brianna joined the Nerds and Beyond staff in 2018 where she unites her love for all things "nerd" with her passion for writing. Find her on Twitter here: @bookbag09

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