Happy Birthday, Steve Rogers! Here’s 8 Times the Captain Showed His True Age

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Happy 102nd birthday Steve Rogers! While we may be introduced to a new Captain America this year, there will only ever be one Steve Rogers. Born July 4, 1918, he showed us the power in always getting back up no matter how many times you’ve been knocked down.

Steve spent 70 years frozen, which means he had a lot to catch up after defrosting. He did a pretty great job adapting to a whole new world, but there were a few times he let his true (old) age slip …

1-3. The Avengers

Who’s Stephen Hawking?

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Who doesn’t know Stephen Hawking? Steven Grant Rogers is who. Captain Rogers predates one of the greatest minds of this generation. Time to put the internet to use, Steve.

He knows the flying monkeys, though.

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The Wizard of Oz debuted in August 1939 (days before the start of WW2), making Steve 21 years old when it released. He knows the flying monkeys and he’s proud of it.

He’s met Adolf Hitler.

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He met a man in Germany standing above everyone else, and they ended up disagreeing. But Steve … no one who looks your age has met Adolf Hitler. Either way we appreciate every single sock to the jaw you gave him.

4 &5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

The List.

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Steve Rogers’ little black book is filled with things to look up on The Google later when he gets home. Internet, so helpful.

Is that a radio or a phonograph?

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Honestly it’s probably a record player. Now we don’t blame him for not listening to all the current new music … but at least the 70s and 80s, Cap, come on.

6. Avengers: Age of Ultron


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I mean, this is just something grandpa would say …

7. Captain America: Civil War

“She’s gotta be 100 years old by now.”

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It’s true, Bucky, you guys are literally also 100 years old.

8. Avengers: Endgame

A beautiful life.

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I mean, finally the appearance matches the number. But, isn’t he like … 200-something now technically? 27 carry the 70, plus 12, then back a few decades, then plus a few … I don’t know. Does anyone really?

Happy birthday, Cap! The lessons you’ve instilled in us will linger on past your well-deserved retirement. Thanks for the years, the memories, and the sacrifices.

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