New Dates Announced for Jus In Bello’s JIB11 and Jibland5 Conventions
Jus In Bello conventions JIB11 and Jibland 5 have been postponed once again to December. The new dates for Jibland 5 are December 16 and 17, 2020. The new dates for JIB11 are December 18-20, 2020. All previously announced guests for both conventions have been confirmed for the new dates. The convention will still take place at the Hilton Airport Hotel. All bookings already placed will be automatically transferred.
For further information about pass handovers and extras for the convention, visit the Jus In Bello’s site here.
👉IMPORTANT NEWS❗️ #JIBWEEK2020 #JIBLAND5 & #JIB11 postponed to December 2020!
🇮🇹 #JIBWEEK 2020 – #JIBLAND 5 e #JIBCON11 posticipata a Dicembre 2020
Informazioni➡️ #jibcon #Roma #coronavirusitalia #jibfamily #spn #convention— JusInBelloCon (@JusInBelloCon) May 6, 2020
The dates for Jus In Bello’s JIB12 (Winter Jib) are still December 11-13, 2020.