Nerds and Beyond Book Club: Reader Q&A for ‘Girl, Stop Apologizing’ by Rachel Hollis
For our book club his month, we dove into personal development and read Girl: Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis, a two time New York Times Bestselling author. Here is what a couple of our readers had to say about this month’s book!
What aspects of the author’s story could you most relate to?
Nicole (@nicmanz15): I most related to the author’s journey of having dreams and goals and working towards them to make them a reality. My own journey is currently at the dream phase, and her story inspired me to dive in completely to make my dream a reality!
Adrienne (adri_lynn): The part that I can relate to, I feel, is when she talks about feeling overwhelmed.
What did you like best about this book?
Nicole (@nicmanz15): My favorite part of the book was the advice about creating a roadmap with guide posts and mile markers.
Adrienne (@adri_lynn): My favorite part of the book is the section about asking for help. It was one of my favorites, because I’m slowly learning that instead of trying to do everything myself, I need to ask for help sometimes.
Share a favorite quote from the book. Why did this quote stand out?
Nicole (@nicmanz15): One of my favorite quotes is “A goal is a dream with its work.” This stood out to me because it reinforced the idea that the dreams I have for my future are only going to stay dreams unless I actively work to make them a reality, a goal to work towards and to achieve.
Adrienne (@adri_lynn) : “If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no.” It’s my favorite because for years I used to say yes to everything and anything and it was burning me out. It made me realize that I can say no sometimes.
If you got the chance to ask the author of this book one question, what would it be?
Nicole (@nicmanz15): My question for Rachel Hollis would be if she has any advice for moving forward with your goal when you’re in a low place mentally and/or physically.
Adrienne (@adri_lynn): My question to Rachel would be what is the best advice that somebody has given her?
If you want to participate in our Book Club, send an email to with “Book Club” in the subject line. We’ll be emailing out discussion questions to be posted in an article at the end of each month.
We will be posting our book for the month of December soon, so be sure to check back and join us!