Rachel Miner to Join NYCC “Roleplaying a Human” Tabletop RPGs Panel

Image Courtesy of Staff Photographer Lindsey DeLuca
Image Courtesy of Staff Photographer Lindsey DeLuca

Rachel Miner (Supernatural, Executive Director Random Acts) will be joining a second panel at New York Comic Con this year! You can catch her with Brian W. Foster, Clint McElroy, Dan Telfer, Joe Starr, and Mica Burton on the “Roleplaying a Human” panel. It will take place Thursday, October 3 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Javits Center Room 1A21. Here’s what you can expect from the NYCC Panel: “Join Fandom, D&D Beyond and guests to discuss the impact Tabletop RPGs have had on their personal lives and careers and how roleplaying has helped develop attributes even more important than strength: empathy, cooperation and tolerance.”

Don’t forget to head to the “Next Gen Nerds with Travis McElroy, Clint McElroy and Special Guests” Panel on Saturday night, October 5. You can find more information here.

With the convention less than a week away, be sure to keep an eye out for all of our NYCC coverage!

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