‘This Is Us’ Chrissy Metz and Donnie Berry First Guests on ‘In Love… with Michael Rosenbaum and Chris Sullivan’ Podcast

Image Courtesy of @InLovePodcast on Instagram

Episode two of the new podcast In Love… with Michael Rosenbaum and Chris Sullivan has just been released. This week, Rosenbaum and Sullivan welcome their first guests, Chrissy Metz and Donnie Berry from This Is Us.

Check this week’s summary:

“Chrissy Metz (This Is Us) and Donnie Berry (This Is Us) stop by to share their experiences and insights from a successful 17+ year friendship and newly founded working relationship. The two breakdown times where they’ve overcome petty disputes, also sharing their individual perspectives on navigating the line between close friend and employee/employer… all coming from a place of love and wanting to help each other grow and succeed.”

Watch the episode’s announcement here:


In Love… with Michael Rosenbaum and Chris Sullivan is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

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