A Thank You to ‘Supernatural’ as Show Announces Final Season


Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, Courtesy of Mandi Lea Photography, Staff Photographer

Yesterday, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins took to Twitter to announce that next season, Season 15 of Supernatural would indeed be the show’s final season. Did we know this day would come eventually? Yes. With the way technology is advancing these days and all of the different ways audiences can view television or films, it’s rare a show lasts long – and it’s almost unheard of to last 15 seasons.

This show is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Not just in the way they tell stories. It’s in the way that the fans band together to watch this show every week. The way they celebrate each other, the cast, the crew, and make you part of a giant family. The way they make you feel included and accepted. It’s the way the cast cares about their fans – almost more than any other show I’ve ever seen. The way they support charities that are close to their hearts and their fans. The way they run marathons, build schools, and support networks. The way they attend conventions and concerts, often working late hours. The same way the fans, when a convention was canceled due to weather, threw their own mini-convention with their own acoustic jams, and karaoke. This thing that was meant to simply be a show, redefined family for almost everyone involved. For some, this show allowed them to experience the love and acceptance of a family for the first time in their lives. It went beyond what it was meant to and became something that will live on forever.

Personally, this site would be nothing without Supernatural. It was one of the first things I covered, where, through fandom, I met the two people (Kayla, Pau) to help really take the site to the next level, and through where I met many of the writers we have on staff today. It’s more than just a show, and most people know that. It’s a family, a way of life, a community. I will personally be forever grateful to the show, the cast, and the people I’ve met through it.

There’s a lot of things I could say, and I just can’t find the right words yet. So, I will say thank you. Thank you, Supernatural, for all that you’ve given to us, and all you will continue to give us. The show isn’t over yet, and we know just because the show will end, doesn’t mean the family will.

Below, our writers, as well as some of the Supernatural cast (Matt Cohen, Rachel Miner) have complied some of the things they wanted to say thank you to Supernatural for. We’ll have a separate post with fan contributions coming soon. Read on!


We knew it was coming. We could all see the light at the end of the tunnel. But… to hear those words. To know, definitively, that it is going to end, hit me much harder than expected. There is a pit in my stomach and tears behind my eyes that just will not fall. I feel like have been told a relative or close friend has passed away, and in a way…. they have.

I was not looking for anything when I started along this epic journey a little over two years ago, but what I found was something incredible. I found a home I never knew I wanted or needed. I found friendships that were instant connections full of love, laughter, and squealing. I found a new hobby that makes me happier than most other things in my life. I found exceptional role models to look up to and attempt to emulate. I found charities and organizations that I never knew about that have become incredibly close to my heart. I found a family. We may all use that word to describe our fandom, and though it may mean many different things to many different people, that is truly what we are.

Thank you to Jared and Jensen who have been there since day one, bringing these exceptional characters to life. Thank you Misha for coming in and shaking everything up to make the show even better. Thank you to Kim, Bri, Ruth, Kathryn, Kat, Samantha, Felicia, Shoshannah, Lisa for being and showcasing the kind of women we strive to be in the world. Thank you to Genevieve, Danneel, and Vicki for being the amazing partners and mothers you are that enabled this show to go on for as long as it has. Thank you to all of the writers and producers for giving us 15 long years of stories that make us laugh, cry, leap for joy, and break our hearts. And thank you to the crew- those behind the scenes that never get the full recognition they deserve for the hard work that would make it impossible for the show to go on.

You all have changed lives. You have changed the world. And we got to be here to both witness and help do that with you. What a legacy to leave behind. And, wow, what a Family.


This entire show has brought a whole new world to my life. I have found comfort and acceptance in ways that I never had. I found a family of my own and I don’t know if it’s anything but luck. It seems like this whole fandom has it. We’re lucky because of the people we’ve met…lucky because of the experiences we’ve had. We’re lucky because of the things we’ve been inspired to accomplish in our own lives. I truly believe nothing else could have changed the world the way Supernatural has and I will always look back fondly on the moments I’ve had in relation to it.


Supernatural transcended what it means to tell a story on television; what started as a show about two brothers became much more. It became a story about love, compassion, never giving up, and most importantly: family. This show gave me a family, it gave me a safe place to be who I am and taught me to be me without regard. In the past five years, Supernatural has brought me unbridled joy, the expansion of those I consider family, and unimaginable and unforgettable experiences. It allowed me the chance to meet the people that changed my life, and discover people who will continue to change my life in the coming years. Although I am incredibly heartbroken this part of the SPNfamily’s journey is coming to an end, I know, as Misha said, “this family is not going anywhere.” Thank you to everyone involved in creating this show, you all played a part in changing the lives of people all over the world, even those who did not watch the show. The Supernatural family will live on, and we will continue to change the world.


I binge watched this show in the summer of 2016, when I graduated high school. From then on, I was hooked. I have met so many new friends and even got to meet the cast at JaxCon last December. My heart breaks for the show I have grown to love but I will remember the memories, the friendships, and the family I have now gained due to this show. I am so thankful for Misha, Jared, Jensen, the guest stars, and the rest of the cast and crew, for their hard work and determination season after season. The lessons they have taught us and will stay with fans forever. My hope? I hope that we continue as one #SPNFamily and that we wish them well in their future endeavors. Thank you, Supernatural. I love each and every one in this fandom and although we are sad and mourning our favorite show, we have to stick together and continue to act as a family.

“No matter how much it hurts, no matter how hard it gets, you gotta keep grinding.” -Dean

Misha Collins, Courtesy of Kayla Renee Photography, VP


I stumbled upon this magnificent show and its beautiful fandom in January 2017. The gifts I have received and lessons I have learned through this show have literally changed my life for the better. I have formed real friendships within this fandom, and I have plans this year to travel across the U.S. and beyond to visit them and celebrate our shared love for this show together. My family that don’t end in blood exists because of Supernatural. So thank you — thank you to the cast, crew, and fans. You all have created new families all over the world and have literally saved lives through your activism and philanthropy. Never forget that.
And I will always be grateful for the characters that came into my life who have become beloved and very real to me. Thank you to Jody, for showing us that we can choose to be guided by love in our actions, even when we have absolutely no reason to do so; to Donna, for your unwavering loyalty and courage in the face of crippling self-doubt; to Ellen, the one who, in your most frightening and heartbreaking moment of your life, chose to be brave; to Castiel, for listening to and following your heart, even when everyone and everything around you — literally all of Heaven and Earth — tried to convince you that you were wrong; to Sam, who time and time again gave up the chance to live the life you wanted because you believed in yourself the most when you were with your brother and your found family; and to Dean, thank you for all the sacrifices you made to keep your brother safe. You gave to him what no one cared enough to give to you. And that, in turn, saved the entire world.

Nicole B.

Back in 2014, I was talking to one of my old college classmates and he told me about a show he watched with two brothers and an angel. He told me that if I was bored, I should check it out and it had Misha Collins in it. I had no idea who that was so I just shrugged and said ok, not really ever intending to start the show. I was on Pinterest in my next class and a meme from the show grabbed my attention. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check it out, I thought to myself. If those aren’t famous last words, then I don’t know what would be. I started watching from the beginning and caught up on eight seasons in a matter of months; the first episode grabbed me and never let go. I sobbed and laughed and got completely caught up in this world of hunters and angels and monsters. I also started letting myself get immersed into the fandom, and for the first time I wasn’t judged. I was just welcomed in with open arms. Jensen taught me that it was ok to be shy and private, Misha taught me that it was ok to be myself in whatever form that took, Jared taught me to embrace my flaws because they are a part of me, and Rob taught me to not be afraid but to sing with my own voice, not someone else’s. These men have had such an impact on my life that I can’t even think of the adequate words to say thank you for that.

As I sit here and I look through my convention scrapbook and see all the smiles these guys have brought to my face, all the friends they have brought into my life, and all of the music they have shared (Rob, Swain and Jensen, I’m looking at y’all). Supernatural will never be JUST a TV show; it is a family. A family that fights with each other, but also help to hold each other up. Thank you, Supernatural for helping me to find myself and my family.


I knew it was coming. I even told some of my friends I thought season 15 would be the last, but I didn’t realize how much it would hurt when I actually heard the news. Supernatural is more than just a TV show. It may not look like it to those on the outside, but it truly is a saving grace for those who are a part of the SPNFamily. I started watching the Winchester Brothers’ story my last semester in college, and I can honestly say this show changed my life. It got me through one of the hardest times I have ever had to endure. The stories of Dean, Sam and Castiel allowed me to forget about reality and immerse myself in their world.

My love for the characters soon translated to love for the actors. The actors made me realize who I truly was. They inspired me to be unapologetically me. They showed me that I have a seat at the table. Any table of my choosing. They are the reason I am who I am today. On top of all that, this show has brought so many beautiful souls into my life. I have met some of my best friends through Supernatural. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without it. I could go on and on about what this show has done for me personally (the list seems never ending) but what about what this show has done for so many others? The SPNFamily has raised an enormous amount of money to charities around the world though numerous campaigns. We’ve come together in times of need and supported one another when we needed it most. We’ve saved acres of forests and advocated for mental health awareness. Supernatural not only entertained us for 14 years, it created a family so strong, it can change literally the world. So thank you. Thank you to the cast, crew, producers, writers, extras, EVERYONE for putting together something that brings so much joy to people all over the world. Thank you Supernatural for teaching us to always keep fighting, letting us know that we are not alone, and reminding us to simply “wish for this” because the best moments are right here, right now. REMEMBER: FAMILY DON’T END WITH BLOOD.

Kim Rhodes, courtesy of Kelsi Sickmann, staff photographer


I remember very clearly the first time I saw the first promo for Supernatural. I was very vocal about not watching this new show about monsters and the unexplainable. It was around the time Angel ended. I didn’t think anything could replace it. Let me tell you, nothing did for a long time. It wasn’t until the summer of 2017 that I decided to finally give Supernatural a try. I fell in love the moment Jensen Ackles first appeared on screen and said, “Dad’s on a hunting trip and he hasn’t been home in awhile.”

I binged the first twelve seasons in four months so I could catch the season 13 premiere. This show changed the game and I wish I had started watching years ago. There are a lot of things that have happened in my life that I wasn’t very vocal about. Supernatural is one of the reasons I found my voice. When I was a teenager I lost my dad to suicide and a few years later as I entered into my twenties I lost my mom to addiction. Life was hard for a long time and I was fighting my own battles with mental health. Supernatural has been so much more then a show for me. It’s been an outlet for myself and a lot of others. I thought I was fighting on my own, but I fell into this fandom finding so many others who were dealing with their own demons as well. Misha, Jensen, and Jared have been huge advocates for everyone in this family. It’s not just about their charity but the fact they have been advocates for self love, accepting differences, and warriors of mental health. In one way or another the show has always show cased that as well. I’m so proud to be apart of a fandom that has created a safe space for everyone. I have made so many lasting friendships because of Supernatural. I can confidently say that this show changed lives.

When Misha Collins first appeared as Castiel in the season four premiere, “Lazarus Rising” I knew the show was changing in a big way. Sam and Dean taught us that it’s ok to not be ok. Castiel taught us that it’s okay to not have the answers and who we are told to be isn’t who we have to be. There are so many wonderful moments from the show I couldn’t possibly list them all here. I think my favorite quote from the show which was said by Castiel is this “The past, where you come from, that’s important. But it is not as important as the future and where you’re going.” I wish I heard this long ago.

I can’t say Im surprised that Supernatural is coming to an end. I mean 15 years is a hell of a run. The sting still hits hard and I’m sad to see it go. To Misha, Jared, Jensen and the rest of the cast and crew, thank you for the memories. Remember family don’t end with blood and always keep fighting.


It’s not completely out of the blue and yet I felt blindsided by the news that Supernatural, this show we love so much, is ending. It feels very much like finding out a loved one has passed away, and that’s ok. Did I cry when I heard? Yes. Does that make me weird or weak? No. And you know who taught me that? Supernatural. This show and these actors and above all this fandom that says it’s ok to break down, it’s ok to be vulnerable and to love something with your whole heart.

When I first began watching Supernatural, it was because I was at home sick and it was something to binge watch. I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that watching Supernatural has been one of the single best decisions I’ve made. This amazing show is compelling, funny, heartbreaking, relatable, entertaining… I could go on about the show itself but I won’t be telling you anything you don’t already know.

Dean showed me time and time again that love is painful but it is not a weakness. Sam taught me that it’s ok to love to learn (hello serial killer obsession) and the pursuit of knowledge can even save lives. Castiel taught me that emotions and pain and passion is what makes humanity great. We have a capacity for causing pain, yes, but we have an even greater capacity for loving and helping one another when the need arises.

And so I want to say thank you to this show for the amazing ride. Thank you for the lessons. Thank you to Jensen, Jared, and Misha for bringing these amazing characters to life for over a decade. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. Thank you to the hundreds of cast and crew members who worked tirelessly over the years to make this show the best it could be. But most importantly, thank you for cultivating the fandom. Supernatural has helped me find my tribe. This fandom is full of crazy, funny, Gishy, kind, compassionate, clever people that I would not trade for the world.

We will undoubtedly cry many tears over the next year as we watch one more season opener, one more finale, one more final moment, but we will do it together as the family we have become. Like the guys say, family don’t end in blood.


I first started watching Supernatural for Misha, who I had seen how wonderful of a person he was on Tumblr and heard he was on the show. When I had first started watching the pilot episode I remember pausing and giggling at how deep Jensen’s voice seemed, and little did I know. Quickly I went through seasons of the show and felt at home with these characters. Without Supernatural I am not sure where I would be. The show has lead me to some of the most accepting and loving group of people that I feel lucky to be able to call friends. It introduced me to Louden Swain and Jason Manns, and their music made a deep impact on my life. Thank you to the Supernatural cast, crew and family for everything.


I would not be where I am today without Supernatural. It started as a simple distraction from a panic attack that turned into me and my mom bingeing 11 seasons and 8 episodes in less than a month. The show brought back my passion for art, something I thought I had lost forever. Now, the show is my muse.

Finding out about Jared dealing with anxiety and depression led me to finally get help myself. I’m happy today, and I never thought I’d get to say that. The Supernatural family got me out of my shell, too. I went from severe social anxiety to wanting to talk and meet you all. In fact, thanks to “kicking it in the ass” as it were, I even found my best friend. Seeing how nerdy and comfortable in her own skin Charlie Bradbury was, gave me the same confidence. (Also talking nerdy to me like Sam did helps too) And just when I thought Supernatural couldn’t bring me more, I found my passion for writing and Nerds and Beyond. They say family doesn’t end with blood, and I am continually learning that from everyone who has ever said hi, bought my art, or given me a chance just because of my passion for a show. I am thriving and comfortable in my skin all because I decided to hit play one night. Thank you Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins and the countless cast and crew who gave us this magical show and fandom! I will be forever grateful for all you have given us!


I’m not sure that I can even put into words what Supernatural has meant to me over the years. Because of this show, that’s more than a show, I’ve met friends that I consider family, I’ve traveled to places I never thought I’d go, done things I never thought I would do. I started a business that is literally changing my life, all based on and because of, Supernatural.

I would not be a writer for Nerds and Beyond if not for Supernatural. Supernatural opened the door to my creativity and I blew it off its hinges. To be a part of the SPNFamily has brought me much joy, love and laughter. It is SO much more than a fandom. I don’t think there is any other show that has such a loving, positive, willing to do anything to help someone, fanbase that Supernatural has.

The Winchesters have taught me that it is ok to not be ok, that everyone has personal demons to fight and that what is important, is not the fight, but how you get up from it that matters. I learned that family is more than your blood relatives, it’s who you choose it to be. Family has your back, through the good times and the bad. They also taught me what it meant to be WaywardAF and to live that everyday.

This doesn’t even come close to what I wanted to say. My thoughts keep tripping and tumbling over themselves as I try to write this. I want to thank everyone and I know that I can’t come close to doing that. How do you thank a group of people, cast, crew, writers etc., that have made such an impact on your life? A simple “thank you” seems inadequate but I will try. Thank you Jared, Jensen and Misha for being there for us all these years. Thank you for creating a safe, special place for everyone. Thank you for sharing your lives and families with us. Thank you for paying it forward and creating this wonderful family that will live on well after the last scene on Supernatural fades out.

Jensen Ackles and Rob Benedict, Courtesy of Kayla Renee Photography, VP


My mom encouraged me to watch Supernatural for years. She has been a fan from the beginning, but I never had much interest in it. I finally caved and started watching it as season 10 was airing. I borrowed my mom’s DVD’s of previous seasons and sat at home and binge watched the first 9 in just a few weeks. I was going through a really difficult and emotional time in my life; trying to keep my son’s life as normal as possible while dealing with my ex (his father) leaving suddenly. Needless to say, I found an escape in watching the show, and my son also grew to love it as much as I do.

For the past few years, it has become a family tradition for my mom, my son, and myself to watch the show together every week.
Eventually, our love for the show led us to conventions. Not only was Supernatural our family thing, but we also found an entire new family within the fandom.

I’ve discovered more about myself because of Supernatural than I probably ever would have otherwise. I learned to do good in the world to the best of my abilities by joining Gish and taking part in the many charities the fandom puts on. I’ve discovered my love for art, photography, and writing. I might not be a creator today if I hadn’t found a connection to the show that inspired me to be one.

Through this show, I also discovered a band that I probably never would have heard of if it hadn’t been for the conventions. Louden Swain has also shaped me as a person and have gotten me through some tough times with their music. Mostly, this show has given me friends for life. I’ve met some of the most amazing, talented, and caring people because of this fandom. The friendships, the family… nothing could ever come close to recreating what this fandom has built.

As I am very emotional about the news of Supernatural ending, it’s hard for me to put into words exactly what this show has meant to me. I do know that I am thankful for being able to be a part of the fandom and I am thankful for having the opportunity to meet most of the cast, Louden Swain, and Jason Manns because of this show. I do know that I have made friends who will always be a part of my life. These are the things I get to take away from this experience and hold onto forever.

God himself said it best, “No doubt – endings are hard. But then again, nothing ever really ends, does it?”


Supernatural has given me a lot. Despite not having kept up with the show for a while, it has definitely changed my life for the better. It changed when I got that box set and binged eight seasons, it changed when I bought my first con ticket and it changed a whole lot more when I joined Gish for the first time (which all happened in the span of a few months). If it weren’t for this show, I wouldn’t know how many crazy, creative and dumb things I can accomplish in a week. If it weren’t for this show, I wouldn’t have found some of my favourite musicians, actors and people. If it weren’t for this show, I wouldn’t have traveled so much and spent a small fortune on a couple of really good hugs. I probably wouldn’t have fallen in love for the first time in a long time. I probably wouldn’t have been able to move away from some really toxic things. I wouldn’t have found a tribe of people who are there no matter what, from my pocket or in real life. I’m forever thankful for those last parts.


I began watching Supernatural after making a bet with my best friend and right as I was embarking on a remarkable journey of adulthood with college graduation. Despite the (very) late start to the fandom, I do remember being introduced to it right around Season five when another great friend of mine was trying to get me to watch it. I didn’t start it then because the first episode didn’t grab my attention back then.

Now looking back on it, I wish I could tell past-Mikayla to just watch a little longer, I promise it’ll get better. If you do, you’ll get introduced to something that will change your life. And it did.

Supernatural saved me…in a way I didn’t know I needed to be saved. It saved me when I was drowning and couldn’t find a life preserver. It saved me when I realized that my dreams were crashing down around me. It saved me when my heart was breaking and when I felt like I couldn’t find a voice. It surrounded me in warmth and kindness and strength from the moment I pressed play on my Netflix screen.

Besides saving me, Supernatural (and its cast and crew) have spent the past 2 years teaching me, about my passions, my hobbies, my limits, and about myself. It’s taught me loyalty and love, friendship and family, passion and perseverance. Because of Supernatural, I speak a little louder about my mental health journey and the battles I face. I walk a little taller and have more fire in veins for my passions and my creativity. I am a little less shy and a little more outgoing.

The Supernatural cast and crew opened their arms wide for the SPNFamily as a whole to be loved on and to love on in return. They talked about their battles, weaknesses and struggles as a reminder that we are in this together because we learned fairly early on that family don’t end with blood.

I really wish I could go into detail in all the ways and dissect every memory, laugh line, tear trail and belly ache the show left me with, but there wouldn’t be enough time or words on the page for me.

Thank you, Supernatural for giving me this ever-growing family, for my girl tribe, and for the fire that burns in my soul to create more content. Thank you for gifting us 15 years of love and kindness, endless memories, laugh lines and belly aches.

Rachel V.

It’s almost poetic how I stumbled onto a show I had no idea would change not only me as a person, but the trajectory of my life, in the back of my dad’s car. My dad has a treasure trove of Star Trek books in the drawer next to his bed so I was always prone to catching the fandom bug, and as he started the series which my friend was already watching, this show just ended up being the one for me.  As if it was finally the glass slipper that fit the right size.

I can’t remember the reasons as to why I was drawn so quickly into the show but I remember how fast I wanted to go to a convention. The first was All Hell Breaks Loose: Sydney. It was at this very same convention where one of my videos was shown to introduce Richard Speight, Jr. For the first time in a long time, I felt utterly myself and accepted for that so I went back the year after. To my surprise, another one of my videos was shown to introduce Misha Collins. When I came back home, there was a video of Misha watching that video (video inception if you’d like) and it pulled at my heartstrings in only seeing one of your favorite humans enjoying something that you made would. I found my voice in my creativity and now I’m here, writing for this publication among various others. More than that, if that’s possible, are the memories I have of walking three hours in Vancouver’s pouring rain just to find Supernatural’s set – Cliff felt terrible for us that day – traveling on my own not just out of state but internationally for conventions by the time I was twenty, on top of many more. Thank you isn’t enough to sum up what this show has done for me and even what it will continue to do for me because even though this is the end, the family itself, isn’t going anywhere.


It goes without saying that Supernatural is so much more than a show. Of course it’s the cast and crew, it’s the fandom, it’s the acts of charity it inspired. It’s the love we felt for the characters, the passion for the story, the times we laughed, and the tears we cried. It’s how many times we felt like we were Winchesters, fighting our own battles every day, leaning on our family for support and healing.

Supernatural has taught me how to fight for myself, how to love myself, and how to be myself. It’s helped me embrace my weird, reignite my creativity, and step outside my comfort zone. It’s no exaggeration for me to say that Supernatural has, in many ways, helped to shape my life as it is now.

Supernatural is Team Free Will, Wayward, and Kings of Con. It’s Random Acts, GISH, AKF, and YANA. It’s everything we’ve gotten from the show and the people that bring it to life, and most importantly, it’s everything we’ve given back.

But more than that, Supernatural is our family. It’s the friends we’ve made and the experiences we’ve had. It’s the bonds we’ve forged, the good we’ve done, and the legacy we’ve created. One little television show has changed the lives of so many- myself included- forever, and through this fandom, it will continue to change many more.

Thank you, Winchesters. It’s been one hell of a ride. Fare thee well.

Rachel R.

I started watching the show when it first aired, when it was just two young boys and their car hunting monsters and searching for their dad. From the end of my teens, through my twenties and into my thirties I had the Winchesters and their ever growing circle of friends and family as my constant companion. Getting to grow alongside Sam, Dean and Castiel has brought me great joy, along with bitter heartbreak, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

While no show can truly live on forever I still could never quite make myself think about Supernatural ever ending. But now the ending is coming and I just want to say how truly, deeply grateful I am for everything that you have given us and helped us find for ourselves. Thanks to supernatural I have met so many new friends, fallen in love with a band, have an amazing new job at Nerds and Beyond and traveled to places that I would of never dreamed to go to by myself. Because thanks to the SPNfamily you are never alone, there will always be someone there for you.

We all want to leave the world a little better than we found it and I think the Supernatural cast can rest easy with the knowledge that they have done that. They’ve shown us what we can accomplish when we get together, the good we can do when we help each other and I think that’s one of the things I’ll treasure most. So thank you for everything you’ve given us and the way you’ve changed each of our lives.

Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, Courtesy of Mandi Lea Photography, Staff Photographer


If you had told me four years ago while I was channel surfing and happened to come across a rerun of an episode of Supernatural that I’d be here now, I would not have believed you. That I would consider strangers on the internet some of my closest friends, and consider them to be family. That I would have taken place in record breaking, life changing, week long scavenger hunts. That I would travel hundreds of miles to meet the actors from the show, that I would get tattoos from things from the show, that I would have discovered things about myself, and found a place I felt I belonged because of a television show I would not have believed you. But, because of this show that I just stumbled upon, I am here now, writing this. Supernatural brought me to this fandom that gave me all of that.

I had always been a fan of sci-fi, but I knew there was something different here. I really got into the fandom in 2016, and went to my first convention in April of that year. I never felt like I truly belonged somewhere as quickly as I did when I came into that ballroom and heard Richard Speight, Jr. speaking from the stage, and my fellow fans cheering and sharing in a shared experience and excitement. I felt safe. I felt accepted. It felt like home. The show kept going. And, so did my fandom experiences. I joined in on GISHWHES, and joined the Nerds and Beyond team. I found my people. And that’s what I love about this show, is that it is more, so much more than a show. It’s the people that this show has brought together. It’s the experiences that it’s given to us, and the memories and friendships, and lives that it’s changed. They’ve changed lives through their charity work, through their activism, and through their openness. And they brought us along for the ride.

And now, here we are. Nearing the end. To quote Chuck: “endings are hard. But, then again, nothing ever really ends, does it?” Supernatural will live on every time we hear Kansas on the radio. Every time we need a gif (because we have a gif for everything, even Misha saying “we have a gif for that.”), every time we are with or talk to the family the show gave us, the family that doesn’t end in blood. Every time we remind ourselves to always keep fighting, and that we’re not alone, and remind ourselves we’re not lost, just a little wayward.

In season 12, episode 8, aptly titled “The Winchester Legacy”- Sam and Dean are pondering what their legacy will be. The legacy of the Winchesters, and of Castiel, is us. It will be the Supernatural fandom. It will be all the lives that Jared, and Jensen and Misha have touched and changed through this show. I know mine will never be the same.

So thank you Sam, thank you Dean, thank you Castiel. Thank you Jared, thank you Jensen, thank you Misha.


Where to begin? My brother told me about a show that he thought I might like because I faithfully watch Buffy. I blew him off until one day a friend mentioned that she watched Supernatural and that we should watch it together. I was hooked. I owe a lot to SPN. I’m most grateful for friendships and my chosen family that I found through the show. I’m grateful that I found Louden Swain because of conventions and I’m grateful that they have brought me so many friends, as well.

Thank you to the creators, cast and crew of Supernatural. We owe you so much.


I haven’t been in the fandom from the beginning, admittedly, but my partner shared his favorite show with me when we started dating five years ago and now here I am, a forty year old mother of four who’s obsessed with a television show. What happened? This family happened. No matter what you ship or who your faves are, the connectedness of this fandom is intense.

I learned from Misha to be bold and embrace the uniqueness of my personality. He teaches all of us to be kind always and to trust in how it will change the world. That is a gift that needs to be regifted, over and over. I will always love him for that.

I learned from Jared to be unapologetic about the way my brain works, and sometimes doesn’t work. That taking care of myself is the only way to really care for others. He’s a beautiful soul and I’m forever changed by his story.

Jensen is the fierce protective brother that I most identify with if I’m honest. I saw myself in Dean from the beginning and later in Jensen while watching panels. He has changed so much over the years, it’s a joy to watch and I’m so proud of the person he is when I tell people about the work that he and Danneel do.

Finally, Kim and Bri, are the fearless badass women I want my daughter to be. I hope they know how much we love them and how much their hard work and openness has given us all.

Charlie Capen and Rachel Miner – You two are the best example of kindness and genuine desire to be a light in the darkness of the world. Charlie consistently makes me crack up on my darkest days with his tweets and Rachel inspires me to be my best self and no to dwell on the things that disappoint. She is a true angel.

Shirts [Stands.com]….You’re my hero.

This show has given us all something so special and even as it ends, I can’t imagine this fandom will change. We all have the love of this family to share in.


There will never be enough words to find a way to effectively thank Supernatural for changing my life. This show found me at a time when I was desperately trying to find myself again, and provided me with a shoreline and a safe harbour when I felt like I was drifting out to sea. Supernatural has given me a priceless gift: the feeling and assurance that I finally belong, and the realization that I am finally comfortable in my own skin.

I am so thankful…for the friendships that I have found along the way on this incredible journey, for the amazing Nerds and Beyond team that I met and joined through this fandom, for unforgettable opportunities to see and meet the cast at conventions, for the much-needed bonding time that binging this show gave my mother and I, and for the profound way in which I know this show has forever touched each and every one of our lives.

The sheer inevitability of an ending may prepare us, but it does not make us invincible to the pain it will bring in its wake. I am so thankful for the outpouring of love that surrounded this afternoon’s announcement — from all corners of the cast, crew, and fandom — as it is a stark reminder that not a single person is alone in this goodbye. And when the dust settles, we will carry on — together.

Nicole M.

Where do I even begin?! I don’t think there are enough words to properly convey how grateful I am for Supernatural, it’s just an overwhelming feeling of love to say the least! I have so much to thank Supernatural for: from meeting some amazing people who I am so lucky to call friends (shout-out to my Name Twin), to stepping out of my comfort zone for Gish, to inspiring my honors thesis, to helping me with my struggles with anxiety and depression to, to the amazing group that is NYC FriendsofRA, to becoming part of Nerds and Beyond, the list goes on and on! I am so grateful for the experiences I’ve had and shared with so many of you and I thank my lucky stars every day! I would not be the person I am today if I did not stumble on this show (and most importantly fandom) in 2015!

Though season 15 will be the last for the show, I know there are still so many adventures left to be had in this found family and I can’t wait to see what the future holds! From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!


I started watching this show just a couple episodes into it’s debut season! It’s hard to believe that I’ve spent more than half my life watching monsters of the week be taken down by the almighty Winchester Brothers!

Supernatural has been an outlet for me. It has helped me through good times and bad, happy tears and sad tears, emotional breakdowns and loss. It’s given me a family of friends who I can’t imagine my life without. I can’t thank Jensen, Jared, Misha and every other actor and crew member enough for constantly standing by this fandom, through all our life changes and battles, continuing to help us all achieve our best selves. This family is forever and for that, I am eternally grateful to the cast, crew and everyone I’ve met over the last 14+ years! We will carry on and continue to be wayward AF because this beautiful show has given us the strength to continue on together! I will be forever grateful to say I was a part of a family that literally changed the world!


I started watching this show when I started college. I was a nanny for a six week old, and he would sleep during the TNT reruns, which gave me the perfect time to watch Supernatural. I was able to watch all six seasons before the season six finale. I was absolutely addicted. After being in the Buffy and Lost fandom back to back, I needed something else to throw myself into. I found this amazingly warm Supernatural fandom, and a massive online presence. My first Supernatural convention got me back into cons, and enabled me to meet new people and get more engrossed in the fandom. Never did I imagine I would meet the people I am now friends with, nor did I ever imagine the amazing opportunities this fandom would bring into my life. A dream I had given up on, photography, finally came back to me. Supernatural has given me so much over the last nine years, something no other show or fandom has ever given me. I will be deeply saddened when this show is over, but I know the friendships, the family, I have made will help ease the pain and they will last well after the show ends. Thank you Jensen, Jared, Misha, and the rest of the cast and crew for giving us this amazingly special gift.


I found Supernatural at a time I didn’t know how badly I needed it. It became a safe place for me- somewhere I could laugh no matter how much it hurt or cry without fear of judgement. Then, not long after, I found this fandom and everything that came with it. Jumping right in with both feet, it has brought passion back to my life. I am creating art again! I picked up my camera for the first time in over seven years, at a convention, and this time some “strangers” on the internet actually cared about the pictures I was taking! Soon, many of these strangers became friends. Without Supernatural I wouldn’t have found Random Acts or IMAlive, two organizations that I am grateful to volunteer for. I wouldn’t have found Louden Swain, one of the best bands there is. I wouldn’t have found GISH and it’s magical brand of fun. Though we are scattered all over the country- the world, for that matter- we all come together over because of this show and the network of family it has created. For that, I am thankful.


I grew up a fangirl – it’s my roots. But events in my life took me away from it, and I found myself recently cancer free and fairly rudderless, sitting in Hall H at San Diego Comic Con, waiting for the Doctor Who panel. When all of the sudden, these three kooky, mesmerizing, generous men graced the stage. I sat transfixed as I watched them with the crowd – so gracious and authentic – and all I could think was, “Whatever show this is, I’m going to love it.”

And I did love it. But it wasn’t until I found myself at my lowest point that I let myself get swept into the fandom. At my rock bottom I didn’t think I was capable of (or worth) much, but at least I was good at being a fangirl. And the fandom embraced me as I stumbled back into writing, bit by bit. Achievement by achievement. Dream by dream. Supernatural and the cast and crew continued to be this north star – a ledge I could jump off from. A family that always had my back.

I’m going to comic con again this year, for the first time as press. I had given up on my dream of being a writer so long ago and yet because of this family, this fandom, here I am, living it. I might even get to interview them. But I know for sure I will be in that same room I discovered them years ago, grinning from ear to ear, and whispering “Thank you” to the show and humans that changed my life.

Below are a few special notes from Rachel Miner and Matt Cohen, as to what Supernatural has meant to them.

Rachel Miner

Courtesy of Kelsi Sickmann, Staff Photographer

“This Supernatural family has shown what it means to have a group of different, yet perfectly complimentary – hearts, minds, imaginations, and caring spirits, who change lives and worlds for the better. Somehow, the magic in the show’s message (that a few fallible, flawed individuals with a strong will to do good, to love and protect one another can change the very fabric of the universe) called out to and drew to some of the best of humanity. Please forgive my seemingly hyperbolic language, but in truth I believe so much in the power of these people, this motley crew, my . YOU, have changed the world for the better, I have watched you do so time and time again and it never ceases to inspire…that’s all I have to say for now, just know beyond moments, beyond TV shows, and stories told, I love and believe in the power of this family!”

Matt Cohen

Courtesy of Alana King

“Everything I am today is because of the path that show has lead me on. The people and the experiences that Supernatural has given me, has created a belief in myself. A belief that I can overcome anything and that I can conquer my dreams and goals and most importantly it has given me a family. One connected by something far deeper than blood, we are connected by real undying love and support. For that, I owe Supernatural everything.”

Briar is the Editor-in-Chief of Nerds and Beyond. She has been running the site since 2015 with the goal of being a unique, professional news site dedicated to all the things she loved - and providing fans with the best content available. Briar oversees the day-to-day operations and runs all of the social media. She loves all things Disney & Walker. You can follow her @thebriarroseee.

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