Interview: Hugo and Jake Discuss Their YouTube Channel, Bad Movies, and Embracing Their LGBTQ+ Fans [EXCLUSIVE]

Nerds and Beyond had the absolute pleasure to sit down and chat with Hugo and Jake!
According to their Youtube channel, “Hugo and Jake sit and talk about everything, from Religion, to Politics, to Movies and TV. Catch up on their Atheist Bible Study to see What the Bible really says, or their Chick tract readings to get your dose of fundamentalist insanity. If you’re feeling more topical, check out our recent Movie or Books Reviews like our Current Series On Jordan Peterson. So hang out for a bit, and watch some stuff with Hugo and Jake.”
Hugo and Jake’s channel has become one of our personal favorites on the site. Their witty and sharp commentary (and sometimes juvenile but still hilarious jokes) keep us returning video after video. They are also very interactive with their fans on Twitter and Discord (see links below), which brings a sense of community within the fan base.
Due to the conversational nature of the before and after of the interview, the video does not really have an ending (sorry!). I did want to take the time to sincerely thank Hugo and Jake for taking time out of their busy schedules to sit and chat with me.
Check out Hugo and Jake here.
Jake’s Twitter:
Hugo’s Twitter:
Jake’s Twitch:
Hugo’s Twitch: