More News on Briana Buckmaster’s Debut Album!


Photo from Briana Buckmaster’s Instagram

We’re less than a month away from the release date of Briana Buckmaster’s debut album, which is going to be released on July 13, 2018. As the date approaches (25 days to go – but who’s counting?), the information coming out about the album is increasing in frequency.

We’ve had four updates in the last month, and in case you missed anything, Nerds and Beyond is here to wrap it up for you.

Buckmaster wrote an update on June 12, 2018, where she seemed to get pretty excited about announcing the release party.

ALBUM RELEASE PARTY IN LA JULY 16th!!!!! Hotel Cafe! Who’s excited..? MEEEEE!!! I’m sure you guys are already on it but tickets are available on their website 👍🏻

I’m dying. I’m dead. Like, I’m nervous and stoked and terrified and already exhausted in anticipation- as I will be coming straight from Chicago con. I will try not to celebrate my birthday too hard that weekend so that I can save up all of my ju-ju for you guys and for me ❤.

On June 15th there was a small update where Buckmaster shared this little tidbit:

OH!! ALSO! We’ve designed the album Tshirt!! Including a special one for the kickstarters!


But for real. I love you guys. So so much.

And most recently, today Jason Manns (the producer of the album), gave us a bunch of new information.

I’ll also take this opportunity to say what an honor it’s been working with Bri on this record! Thank you guys for making that happen. It’s really fun to get in the studio and work with someone who’s just so dang talented it’s mind boggling that it’s her first record. (But most assuredly not her last!!)

Included in the update from Manns is new information about some people Buckmaster had in the studio working on her album.

I have never been more confident of anything than what I’m about to say. You are going to freaking LOVE this record. She sounds so amazing. We’ve got some fun originals on here (by Rob Benedict, my friend Suzanne Santo, Louden Swain, and one I wrote with Aaron Beaumont and Emma Fitzpatrick) plus some cover tunes and I really love how they turned out.

We have Coop, Rob, and Billy (from the Station Breaks!!) And I loved getting to work with Ken Oak again (the cello player that played for us on Simple Man) Aaron Beaumont on the organ, and I finally got to work with my friend Dave… ahem, excuse me, GRAMMY AWARD WINNER… Dave Yaden on piano. I was totally blown away by these guys. I’m usually in that “play it down so you don’t set expectations too high” camp, but I just cant do it on this one. I’m too excited. 😉

Manns also gave a reminder to anybody who contributed to the KickStarter to please fill out the survey that was sent out last week so that he can go ahead and place an order for those of you pledged enough to get a t-shirt. So if you haven’t done that yet, make sure to get on it!

Manns ended the latest update by promising some “really fun news in the near future”, and we’re really looking forward to seeing what he and Buckmaster have up their sleeves!


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