Teaser Trailer Released For Kripke Project ‘The Boys’

Promo shot from The Boys, a new series coming to Amazon. Courtesy TheBoys on Twitter.

Eric Kripke, creator of Supernatural and Timeless, is show running for a new series coming to Amazon Prime in Summer 2019 called The Boys.  It’s an R-rated series based on the comic books of the same name. Seth Rogen (Neighbors, The Disaster Artist), and Evan Goldberg (Preacher) will be executive producing along with creator, Garth Ennis (Preacher, Constantine).

The Boys was written by Kripke’s inner “jaded, cynical adult,” a stark contrast to the “wonder-struck child” side of him that wrote The House With The Clock In Its Walls, released in late 2018. He spoke to Entertainment Weekly in an interview in September 2018 about the juxtaposition of the two:

I would mention often to my colleagues I couldn’t be working on two things that are more polar opposite than these two things in that it was always a transition.  I gotta get myself into my mind frame for The Boys, which is very, very gritty and very adult, and then sometimes the next day suddenly I had to switch and be ready to work on House, which is tapping into the curious wonder struck child that I remember being.

Based on a team of super-powered CIA agents charged with keeping superheroes in line, The Boys takes current superhero trope and spins it on its head into something refreshing but dark and disturbing.

A teaser trailer was released on January 25th for the show, which will star Karl Urban (Star Trek), Elisabeth Shue (CSI), Erin Moriarty (Jessica Jones, Driven), and Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead). Check it out below and keep an eye out for more updates!



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